All internal users must log in using a userid and password to use the Fuze Suite.
External users are required to log in under the following circumstances:
  • If you set your system options to require that all external users must log in to gain access to the Fuze Suite.
  • If you set your system options to require that all external users must log in to ask a question online.
  • When an external user sets a Knowledge Base (KB) alert.
  • When an external user wants to view their prior questions online.
  • If you set your system options to require that all external users must log in to view a specific KB item. 
  • If you have Special Public content, external users who have been granted access to view it must first log in.
  • If you are utilizing Community Content, external users must log in to view their Points.
  • If you are using Community Content, external users must log in to rate others' comments.

Otherwise, external users have the ability to freely search the knowledge base and ask questions without registering in the Fuze Suite.  The only information required when asking a question is the user's name and email address.