You need to review any new knowledge pack (KP) items that have been created since your last KP update and move the ones you want to share with consumers from "draft" status to "public" status.  To review the newly published items, you can go to the "knowledge search" page, select the "personal finance" category, sort the data by "newness" and select the "draft items only" option from the "knowledge items displayed" dropdown menu. (You must have "publish" authority to do this).
You then must review the items displayed and move any knowledge items you would like to be extended to your consumers from "draft" to a status of "public" (or "private" if you only want staff to view them).  You should be able to tell which KP items have been updated based on the value in the "updated" column.     
Regarding existing KP items:  The status of these items and any related knowledge items or related links are left as they were before the update.  If you are interested in seeing what has been updated, you can go to the "knowledge search" page, select the "personal finance category" and sort the data by "newness" and view items that have been updated in the last 90 days or so.