The multi-level authentication feature is turned on in system options and provides additional layers of security for consumers to fight against phishing and password hacking. The feature significantly reduces the possibility for consumer accounts to be compromised while still being easy for the consumer to utilize and for your organization to administer. 

When this feature is used, consumers are only required to enter their password after they have entered their email address and validated that the favorite color and security question displayed are accurate.  Consumers are asked to provide this information when registering in Fuze and explained how this information is used to prevent them from being phished and the like.  This feature is not relevant to online banking users where SSO is used since their authentication is done by the online banking application and not Fuze.
If users are required to authenticate with the Fuze Suite, you can define the number of failed login attempts before the user id is suspended.  When users are suspended, they are emailed a notification that their account has been suspended along with a link to a unique page where they must answer their security question provided upon registration in Fuze.  If they fail to answer their security question correctly from this page within the threshold defined, the page will be invalidated and a link to a new page will be emailed to them where they will again have a limited number of attempts to answer the security question correctly.

Please contact us to get specific information on how it works.